Supercomputing Systems Administration: file systems (SSA’2015)
The goal is to discuss a broad range of topics related to administering supercomputing systems, managing users, policies, and hardware, ensuring security and efficiency. There will be opportunities to share experiences in solving specific tasks, and in using various tools and approaches to supercomputer administration.
Areas of interest include (but not limited to):
- Tools for administration: using experience, advantages and disadvantages;
- Approaches to management of users, projects, applications;
- Efficiency of supercomputing centers;
- Security of supercomputing systems;
- Job scheduler tuning and modifying practice;
- Quota and software license management. Free and commercial software at supercomputing centers;
- Commercialization of supercomputer usage.
Submitting rules for the seminar are the same as the main conference submitting rules.
Important Dates
- June 1 - abstract submission
- June 15 - paper submission
- July 15 - author notification
- July 30 - camera ready submission
- September 28-29 - seminar
Steering Committee
- Zhumatiy S.A., MSU (co-chair)
- Kostenetskiy P.S., SUSU
- Marmuzov G.V., RSC Technologies
- Naumov A.A., T-Platforms (co-chair)
- Prokhanov S.A., TSU
- Stefanov K.S., MSU
- Sysoev A.V., N.I. Lobachevsky UNN
Sergey A. Zhumatiy, with subject "SSA’2015".