For Authors

We apologize for the delay with paper notifications. All notifications will be available at July 20th (Monday).

Only research works that have not previously been published and have not been presented for consideration to other conferences, journals or other print media are eligible for the conference. The papers can be submitted in Russian and English. If a paper is submitted in Russian, its title and abstract must be translated into English.

Types of reports

Three types of works will be accepted for the conference: full paper, short paper and poster abstract. A full paper is up to 12 pages long and presents the results of a completed scientific study. A short paper is up to 6 pages long and presents tentative results obtained during the course of a scientific study in progress. A poster abstract is up to one A4 page long and can contain information on the plans and initial results of a scientific study that has recently started.

Please follow the format of presentation of the conference materials.

All materials submitted to the conference will be reviewed by experts. Upon the evaluation of the experts, the Agenda Committee will select works to be included in the conference agenda. The final form of the report will be determined by the Agenda Committee proceeding on the type and quality of the work submitted and considering the authors’ suggestions.

Important Dates

  • June 1 - abstract submission
  • June 15 - paper submission
  • July 15 July 20 - author notification
  • July 30 August 2 - camera ready submission

Presenting reports at the conference

Each report included in the agenda of the scientific conference must be presented at the conference in person by at least one author, in the form of a speech or poster presentation. No remote participation is allowed.

Plenary and section reports shall be up to 20 minutes long, that including Q&A sessions and discussions.

Posters shall be presented in the form of an A1 poster (exact poster format may be chanched). Authors of posters must print the posters and bring them to the conference on their own.

Publication of the materials of the Conference

All works accepted to the conference will be published in the proceedings, which will be available prior to the opening date. Conference proceedings will be published in electronic form – on a compact disc or another medium. After the conference, the proceedings will be published on the conference Web site.

Publications in scientific magazines

After the conference, the best works recommended by the agenda committee will be published (after extra editorial work) in one of the following scientific magazines:

Besides, the best papers in English will be published in the "Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations" magazine.

How to submit a paper

You can submit a paper using the EasyChair  system. Direct link to submission page:

You need to sign up before using the EasyChair system. If you have already registered, you may need to choose the “Author” role. After logging into the system, select “New Material” from the menu in the top left corner. Then select whether you are submitting a paper for the main conference (the 1st item, Russian Supercomputing Days 2015) or for one of the seminars.